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A Truce of Caros Curtain Call

Full Cast of 2010 Production at Mission City Opera



Performance History of A Truce of Carols

Commissioned in 2009 by Sharon Kaye, General Director – Mission City Opera
Composer and Librettist – Michael Taylor

First performance – December 5, 2009 with Mission City Opera in Santa Clara, CA
Director and Conductor – Michael Taylor

Second performance – November 19, 2010 with Opera @ Augustana, Augustana  College in Rock Island, Illinois.
Director – Dr. John Pfautz, Conductor – David Davies

Third performance - December 18, 2010 with Mission City Opera in Santa Clara, CA
Director and Conductor – Michael Taylor


Original Cast

Lieutenant Gottlieb – Cliff Romig
Lieutenant  Worthing – Adam Flowers
Jonathan – Jeffrey Taylor
Sergeant Angus MacGrath – Robert Snedegar
Günther – Norm DeVol
Constance – Erin Lahm
Inge – C.A. Jordan
Markus – Sascha Jaggerst
Timothy – Dan Galpin
Kraus – Michael Ewaska
Berthold – Philip Schwarz
Andrew – Eric Coyne
Kenny – Bob Sinn
Kristian – William Voelker

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Production Photos by Robert Snedegar

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