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Overture Continued


Soldiers in Trench

English Farewell


German Farewell



Gottlieb & Inge
Jonathan, newly enlisted, bids his fiancee Connie farewell as he is about to leave for the front.
Lt. Gottlieb bids his Wife Inge farewell as he is to report for duty on the front.

English Trench - Christmas Eve


English Trench - Christmas Eve

English Trench

English Trench 2

On Christmas Eve, a young English soldier keeps watch over no-mans land while his comrades take a much needed rest.
Lt. Worthing wishes his men "Merry Christmas" and warns Sgt. McGrath to stay alert as there has been fraternization reported along the front - perhaps a German ploy.

German Trench - Christmas Eve


German Trench - Christmas Eve

German trench  
German Trench 2
Small Christmas trees decorate the German trenches on Christmas Eve 1914. Most of the soldiers are hoping for a Christmas Truce.
Guther, a medic and minister is suggesting that he might take a Christmas tree across no-man's land to give to the English, to the amusement and alarm of his comrades.

German Trench - Christmas Eve


The Christmas Truce Begins

German trench 3

Officers in No-man's land

Gunther, aware of the dangers of crossing no-man's land sings of placing his faith in the good will of all men, especially on this "Holiest" of days.
The English and German Lieutenants agree to a spontaneous truce on order to bury their dead. Lt. Gottlieb declares it an "honorable" custom of war and not in violation of orders.

Burying the Dead


The Soccer Match

burial detail

Soccer match
The English and German's bury their dead. The English share burial crosses when the Germans run out. Gunther is checking each soldier for life-signs just in case.  
After an impromtu service for the fallen, a soccer ball rolls into the scene from a game nearby. Before the officers can forbid it, most of the soldiers from both sides join the game offstage.

Lieutenant Worthing's Aria


Jonathan's Aria


Lieutenants speak Maria

Jon & Gottlieb
With most of the men at the soccer match, Lt. Worthing shares a pre-war story of love found and lost in Italy with his German counterpart.
The young English soldier Jonathan recites a poem he wrote to his fiancee Connie for Lt. Gottlieb.

Writing Home


Connie's Aria

Both Lieutenants and Jonathan
Connie singing
Lt. Worthing brings Jonathan a letter from Connie. During the scene, Jonathan and Gottlieb read the letters from home while their loved ones sing what they wrote.
Jonathan's fiancee, Connie writes Jonathan of home and how much she loves and misses him - imaging him stepping from the steam swept train platform seeing only her. h

Inge's Aria and Women's Duet


Soccer Players Return


Inge singing
  Soccer players return  
Inge sings of hearing Gottlieb's footsteps in the hallway, but "there's no one there". She and Connie reprise in duet music from Connie's aria - "Then your eyes are all I see.."   The soccer players return with the Germans victorious mainly because German officers were often the refs, but Sgt. Mac managed to steal the ball. All "hail to the mighty 'Jock'," a slang term used to for Scottsmen.  

Christmas Dinner


Marcus' Aria

Truce Christmas dinner  
Marcus' Aria
The Germans and English celebrate Christmas dinner together, the Germans providing the beer and the English Maconochie's a thin soup and Bovril, a thick, salty meat extract.   Marcus, a Prussian sniper who refuses to participate in the cease-fire sings about the futility of the Christmas Truce. "Tomorrow we will kill each other"...  

Lt. Worthing's Second Aria


Return to England

Worthing 2nd aria  
Connie and Worthing
Lt. Worthing tells the troops of the letters being sent home all along the front describing the truce - a symbol of peace that must be remembered.   Lt. Worthing returns to England bringing the poems and letters from Jonathan who died in the war. As Connie reads Jonathan's poem, she imagines him singing it with her.  

Return to Germany


Gottlieb return home
Lt. Gottlieb returns home.      

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Production Photos by Robert Snedegar

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